Emergence By Guy Portman

Emergence‘Emergence’ is the fourth book in the ‘Necropolis’ series by Guy Portman.

Teenager Horatio hates his mother’s boyfriend, and there is nothing his long-suffering single mum or half-sister can do about it. The tension soon boils over into school when he attacks the class bully. While suspended, Horatio has plenty of time to plot revenge against the man he holds responsible for all his problems. It won’t take the adventurous adolescent long to stumble across a depraved and degrading solution. Now all he needs to do is keep deceiving the psychiatrist and wait for an opportunity to strike.

This book is the fourth in a series and after reading this one, I think I’ll be looking into the others.

The story is seen solely through the narrative of Horatio, a teenage boy, who’s much smarter than everyone but lacks in social skills. When he’s expelled from school after attacking a boy with a pair of scissors, he begins to realise just how much he hates his mother’s boyfriend who he calls ‘Fools Gold’ and puts a plan in place to kill him, whilst pretending to his counsellor and family that he’s normal and doesn’t have psychological tendencies.

If you like dark humour, then this book is for you. It’s witty, unsettling and is quite short, I read it in one sitting. Horatio is an intense character, he looks down on others who aren’t as intelligent as him, particularly ‘Fools Gold’. Their dislike for each other is evident and it makes for funny reading at times, how they interact with each other. His interaction with other people is also interesting, as his social skills are quite bad and he usually offends someone with honest and abrupt manner.

Cleverly written with a character that you love to hate, ‘Emergence’ is a twisted story about revenge that leaves the reader wanting more.

You can buy ‘Emergence’ from Amazon.

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