Nicholas Sparks Favourite Adaptation – A Walk To Remember

A Walk To RememberMy favourite has to be A Walk to Remember.

I remember seeing the trailer for the film and I thought that it seemed like the type of film I would want to watch but being a big book obsessive I couldn’t watch the movie without reading the book. I found it, rather by chance, at a car boot sale when visiting my grandaddy.

For a whole fifty pence I got some major feels. I had tears, I had snot bubbles and I had a story that I have read over and over again and never once been disappointed. It is beautiful.

Ok, the film version isn’t the greatest and it doesn’t stick closely to the style of the novel but oh it just reminds me of that truly heartbroken feeling I got the very first time I read the book. A feeling that only a book can give you x x

A huge thank you to everyone who took part and as promised, I have five copies of ‘The Best Of Me’ to give-away and the five lucky winners are:

Joanne Varney
Chelsea Krause
Sam Everett
Lisa Bentley
Jasmin Ferchici

I shall be in touch with you lucky ladies very soon!

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