Big Sexy Love By Kirsty Greenwood
[amazon_link id=”B071YLZ6JX” target=”_blank” ][/amazon_link]’Big Sexy Love’ is the delicious new book by Kirsty Greenwood.
Olive Brewster is a scaredy cat. She doesn’t do new or risky. She’s happy enough with her job at the local market, it’s cool that she has no boyfriend to fret over, she even likes that she still lives in her childhood home. No drama, no fuss, no problems. Everything is fine. Super duper fine. Except … Olive’s best friend in the world​, Birdie, is dying. Birdie has one final wish. She wants to track down her first love, Chuck, and because she’s stuck in the hospital she needs Olive’s help to do it. But there’s a teeny problem: Chuck is somewhere in New York and Olive has never even left her home town, let alone roamed the crazy streets of Manhattan. As if the big city isn’t scary enough, Olive has to contend with Seth, a cocky comedy TV writer who thinks she’s a joke; Anders, a bored socialite who’s taken a shine to her; and the fact that no matter how hard she tries to track down Chuck, he doesn’t seem to want to be found. Can Olive learn to overcome her fears, abandon her old safe routine and fulfil her best friend’s last wish? It’s going to take extra bravery, one badass attitude and a whole lot of big sexy love to make this happen…
When it comes to Kirsty Greenwood, she’s a wee bit of a hero of mine. I love and admire her in equal measures. I admire her for creating one of the first book review websites in the United Kingdom, becoming her own publisher as well as having written some of the funniest books I’ve come to enjoy over recent years. And I love her for creating characters and scenarios that distract me from real life.
In her latest book we meet Olive, an anxiety ridden fish monger who doesn’t like change and is settled in her comfortable life with her brother and his controlling girlfriend, Donna. Olive is a home bird, who enjoys the simpler things in life but all that changes when her best friend Birdie asks her to help her.
Birdie is seriously ill and confined to her hospital bed and asks Olive to deliver a message to Chuck, her ex-boyfriend in New York, her one big sexy love and the one that got away. And so Olive finds herself confronting her fear of flying and facing the unexpected in New York alone.
Olive is a fabulous character, she’s sharp witted, caring and a woman I’d love for a best friend. She embraced her task with both hands and is determined to deliver the letter to Chuck, no matter all the obstacles that are placed in her way. Whilst on her journey in New York, she meets Seth, a handsome hipster writer for ‘Saturday Night Live’. Like her, he’s funny and scenes between the pair of them is deliciously funny and sexy reading. He keeps Olive on her toes and makes her realise what she really wants from life.
From start to finish, this book is a fabulous story, it’s rude, crude and full of attitude and impossible not to enjoy. The characters are great, so likeable and so fun. The interaction between Olive and Birdie is honest and hilarious, they speak openly about their fears and desires and Birdie isn’t one to hold back despite her serious illness.
Wittily written and filled with drama, sass and a little bit of sadness, ‘Big Sexy Love’ is a coming of age story about following your dreams and confronting your fears. A laugh out loud story that I couldn’t put down, this book is absolutely fantastic!
You can buy [amazon_link id=”B071YLZ6JX” target=”_blank” ]Big Sexy Love from Amazon [/amazon_link] and is available to buy for only £2.99 from 29th June 2017.
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