The Silent Patient By Alex Michaelides

[amazon_link id=”1409181618″ target=”_blank” ]The Silent Patient[/amazon_link]’The Silent Patient’ is Alex Michaelides debut novel.

There has been much hype and talk over the ‘The Silent Patient’, Orion Books highly anticipated debut for 2019 and after reading the book in two sittings, I fully understand the excitement.

The story is seen through the narrative of successful artist Alicia and her therapist Theo, who has been quite obsessed with the woman after she allegedly killed her husband, but no one knows the true story as Alicia, has never spoke from that fateful day. She’s now in a psychiatric hospital and Theo is making it his job to get her to speak and reveal all.

The story flashes back and forward between both characters and gives the reader a clear insight into both people. Before the incident, Alicia was a highly regarded artist married to a top photographer, whose life everyone envied. Her childhood was troubled and these troubles were translated into her paintings that sold out art galleries.

Theo is determined that he will be able to find the answers to the questions, his colleagues were unable to and with connecting with Alicia’s family and friends, is able to get a clearer picture of the woman she once was and has now become.

Now, working in a volatile environment, where his life could potentially be at risk, Theo begins to embark on a tentative friendship with Alicia, hoping to get her to talk.

The story is bleak and riddled with suspense that really leaves the edger on tender hooks, both the main characters are extremely flawed and they use this to their advantage in their strange relationship. The flashbacks to the past and present are cleverly written and tie deliciously together in the end, when all is revealed. It’s so skilfully written and flows at a nice pace that really pulls the reader in, wanting to know more about Alicia and the actions of that night.

I genuinely loved this book and thought it was one of the best psychological debuts that I’ve read in a while, a strong plot, a mute woman with a story to tell and a man determined to know the truth.

It was tense, atmospheric and had a twist that really did blow my mind, for all fans of psychological thrillers, ‘The Silent Patient’ needs to be at the top of your TBR pile!

You can pre-order [amazon_link id=”1409181618″ target=”_blank” ]The Silent Patient from Amazon [/amazon_link] and will be available to buy from good bookshops from 6th February 2019.

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