Random Treats
Although handwrittengirl was primarily created for me to share my love of reading and to interview some wonderful authors. I felt it was only right to mention that last week I received a couple of unexpected treats, although they are not books they are certainly writing related.
A few friends from work have taken up jewellery making and have made some quirky, vintage pieces. They surprised myself and a few others with little rings, made from Scrabble board pieces each with our initials. I have been wearing my ring ever since and it has become quite the topic of conversation, especially with boys. I am already looking forward to what they will do with the next board game they discover.
My boyfriend surprised me with a little Noodoll notebook he picked up for me. Like the ring, it is also of a quirky nature, with the cute character on the cover. I was told I was use it to sketch into, however my drawings are more like scribbles, than art.
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