Finding Sophie By Imran Mahmood

‘Finding Sophie’ is the latest book by Imran Mahmood.

Sophie King is missing. Her parents, Harry and Zara, are distraught; for the last seventeen years, they’ve done everything for their beloved only daughter and now she’s gone. The police have no leads, and Harry and Zara are growing increasingly frantic, although they are both dealing with it in very different ways. Increasingly obsessed with their highly suspicious neighbour who won’t open the door or answer any questions, they are both coming to the same conclusion. If they want answers, they’re going to have to take the matter into their own hands. But just how far are they both prepared to go for the love of their daughter?

This is the first book that I’ve read by Imran, and it most certainly won’t be the last. The story is a thrilling rollercoaster about resilience, a parent’s love and trusting your instinct.

The story is seen from the narrative of husband and wife, Harry, and Zara whose teenage daughter, Sophie goes missing one day. The couple have a turbulent relationship with Sophie, who’s a fiery and strong-willed young woman but refuse to believe that she would just up and leave. They are convinced that the reclusive man at house number 210 who refuses to talk to them knows more than he is letting on and this is pushing the parents to their limit as they feel the police are not listening to them.

Not only is the story seen from their narratives, but it’s also written in the past and present tense and the present tense, is set in a courtroom. We know that a murder has been committed but cleverly, no names have been revealed and that really keeps the reader engaged as they race through the book to see who’s died.

The story is a tense and suspenseful one, as the couple try to move forward with their lives, but with no evidence or confirmation that Sophie is dead, they are in limbo with so much uncertainty. Both Harry and Zara are dealing with the same thing but are handling it differently and this is driving a wedge between them and keeping secrets from each other.

As a new parent, ‘Finding Sophie’, really struck a chord with me, as nothing prepared more for the love and protection that I have towards my little boy. I could empathise with Harry and Zara as they both tried to not give up hope on Sophie, putting their own lives in danger and even turning to the dark arts for answers.

A story packed with mystery, suspenseful and drama, ‘Finding Sophie’ is a cleverly written and complex story with an ending that will shock you to your very core!

You can buy ‘Finding Sophie’ from Amazon and is available to buy from good bookshops.

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