Suicide Thursday By Will Carver

Suicide Thursday‘Suicide Thursday’ is the latest book by Will Carver.

Eli Hagin can’t finish anything. He hates his job, but can’t seem to quit. He doesn’t want to be with his girlfriend, but doesn’t know how end things with her, either. Eli wants to write a novel, but he’s never taken a story beyond the first chapter. Eli also has trouble separating reality from fiction. When his best friend kills himself, Eli is motivated, for the first time in his life, to finally end something himself, just as Mike did. Except sessions with his therapist suggest that Eli’s most recent ‘first chapters’ are not as fictitious as he had intended…and a series of text messages that Mike received before his death point to something much, much darker…

This is the first book that I’ve read by Will Carver and it really was an interesting introduction to the author.

The story is seen through the unreliable narrative of Eli, an aspiring author who never gets further than the first chapter. He’s best friend Mike is severely depressed who wants to take his own life, instead of trying to find him help, Eli instead convinces that it would be best to end his life. When Mike does end his life, instead of being seen as the supportive friend, he finds as being a prime suspect in it.

What makes this story so interesting is the fact that the story is seen from the narrative of an aspiring author, so it really kept me on my toes what was fact and what was fiction in the story. The characters are an interesting mix of personalities, Eli is a bit delusional going to see a fake therapist and creating stories but getting nowhere. He wants to break up with Jackie, his long term girlfriend but instead of breaking up, he ends up making new commitments. Whilst Mike is a sad character that I felt a genuine sympathy for, he’s a troubled character who needs helps but is unfortunate that he lacks in genuine friends and support.

Packed with suspense and cleverly written with dark humour and fascinating characters ‘Suicide Thursday’ is the countdown to a man’s demise through the narrative of an aspiring writer.

You can buy ‘Suicide Thursday’ from Amazon and is available to buy from good bookshops.

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