90’s Crushes With Ali McNamara
I am delighted to be part of the blog tour for the release of Ali McNamara’s new book ‘Step Back in Time’ and as part of the tour, I am featuring the 90’s and more specifically crushes of the 90’s.
I would love for others to tell me who made their hearts beat a little bit faster in the 90’s. And to start the ball rolling, I am going to step forward and admitt my embarrassing crush of the 90’s.
Well when I say embarrassing, I mean my actions and not the actual crush. When I was younger, I loved Shane Lynch from Boyzone, so much so that I sent him a card but this wasn’t just any type of card, this card was special.
One summer my mum went away to Knock, (a religious place in Ireland) and whilst she was there, she asked me did I want anything and I asked if she could get me a Mass Bouquet for Shane for his upcoming birthday. This meant that one day, Shane’s name would be read out and prayed for in mass. A friend had somehow managed to acquire the addresses of Boyzone members, so I posted the card off with my best intentions expecting to hear nothing.
But then a few weeks later, I received an envelope which had my own writing on the front of it and when I opened it, I discovered a signed card from Shane, thanking me for the mass! To say I was one delighted teenager would be an understatement, even though my friends laughed at what I did, a lot of them did admit that they were jealous.
As I look back at this, I cringe with embarrassment but also marvel at the unique idea.
And now as I slink off into a corner and recover from my embarrassment, Ali is now going to step forward and admit who got her heart thumping in the 90’s.
In the 90’s I was very busy getting married and having babies… But that didn’t stop me enjoying the odd handsome face on my TV or movie screen!
I think my biggest crush was on a TV character called Sam Beckett, from the TV show Quantum Leap.
Sam was kind hearted, brave and utterly gorgeous, and even though I watched this show with my (at the time) new husband, it didn’t stop me enjoying the delights of Mr Beckett every week!
Quantum Leap is one of the reasons I’ve always wanted to write a feel good time-travel story myself. It has just the right amount of humour, history and drama in it to be the perfect time-travel programme, that and a certain handsome hero…
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