Sunshine On A Rainy Day Book Tour – Author Small Talk By Bryony Fraser
On the book tour for Bryony Fraser\s new book, ‘Sunshine On A Rainy Day’, Bryony talks about the art of author small talk.
Author small talk — a ranking
Although I curl up like an actual slug if anyone tries to make me talk about my books (a lovely Italian woman once bought a translated copy of my previous book at a car boot sale and I was too embarrassed to tell her I’d written it) it is still a lovely feeling when someone hears I’ve got a new one out and wants to chat to me. Most of the time, people are delightful and able to show manners and kindness even if it’s not their bag. But for anyone with a book coming out or an upcoming chat with someone who does, here is a quick rundown of the best and worst things you’ll hear as an author.
It looks fantastic! And I know my sister/partner/best friend/mum/cousin will love it too! In fact, I’m ordering 8 copies right now!
Me: oh god oh god I should probably offer to pay for them oh god
[amazon_link id=”0007477082″ target=”_blank” ][/amazon_link]
Damn good
I loved your last book! I’ve ordered this one! Will you sign it?
Me: Oh god I’ve forgotten how to hold a pen
Less great
I read your last one and I worked out which character was based on me!
Me: You weren’t in there but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m so glad we talked
Have you read the new one by [author in similar genre]. That one IS really good.
Me: Seriously. I’m so glad we talked.
How did you come up with that character? How did you come up with that plot?
Not ideal
Oh. That’s yours, is it? [silence]
Me: *tight frozen smile*
Stop talking to me
Would I like it? Pitch it to me now, then.
Me: a — aaaah — aaah, um, no hablo ingles
I am running in the opposite direction please stop just stop
No, I don’t read [that genre]. I mainly only read Jonathan Franzen? I just prefer proper books.
Me: I am mainly feeling sadness for you, TBH. Stay strong, my friend.
You can buy [amazon_link id=”0007477082″ target=”_blank” ]Sunshine on a Rainy Day from Amazon [/amazon_link] and is available to buy from good bookshops.
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