A Family Recipe Book Tour
On the book tour for Veronica Henry’s new book called ‘A Family Receipe’, Vervonica shares some of her own favourite receipes.
Never judging books by their cover
On the book tour for Veronica Henry’s new book called ‘A Family Receipe’, Vervonica shares some of her own favourite receipes.
On the book tour for Fiona Gibson’s fun and vibrant new book, ‘The Woman Who Upped And Left’, I have an interview with the woman behind the witty tale.
I am excited to be part of the book tour for the release of Dana Bates new book, ‘The Stall Of Second Chances’. Check out Handwritten Girl on Friday 21st November to read a recipe that is featured on the book.
‘The Seafront Tea Rooms’ is the latest book by Vanessa Greene.
Today, on the tour for Vanessa Greene’s new book ‘The Seafront Tea Rooms’, Vanessa and I talk about our favourite recipes. Vanessa has provided the recipe for Charlie’s Deliciously Indulgent Florentines and in turn give out the recipe for Blondie …